
Public-Private Partnerships: Including Risk Creators to Fight NCDs?

  • Auteur-e-s: Alice Bryk Silveira / Mélanie Levy
  • Catégories d'articles: Contributions
  • Domaines juridiques: Droit de la santé
  • DOI: 10.38023/56b8dafa-d59b-4ad9-b38e-665d243fc73e
  • Proposition de citation: Alice Bryk Silveira / Mélanie Levy, Public-Private Partnerships: Including Risk Creators to Fight NCDs?, in : Jusletter 28 août 2023
The growing role and influence of private entities in public health has led to Public-Private partnerships (PPPs) to promote healthy behavior and combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, these partnerships often involve producers of unhealthy products, posing concerns about industry influence, conflicts of interest, and accountability. This paper examines the commercial determinants of health and their impact on public health. It then analyzes the potential and risks of engaging with the food and sweetened beverage industries to tackle NCDs and underscores the need for legal safeguards in forming these partnerships.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Public-private partnerships: a win-win strategy?
  • 3. NCDs: no-go for PPPs in the context of tobacco
  • 4. Potential in other areas of NCDs?
  • 5. Conclusion

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