Jusletter IT

What’s in an Interchange Standard for Legislative XML?

  • Author: Radboud Winkels
  • Region: Netherlands
  • Field of law: Legislative informatics
  • Collection: Festschrift Erich Schweighofer
  • Citation: Radboud Winkels, What’s in an Interchange Standard for Legislative XML?, in: Jusletter IT 22 February 2011
To make efficient and effective use of all sources of law electronically available in Europe, with all their different (XML) formats, we need an open interchange standard. Such a standard will enable public administrations to better serve their citizens and organisations, to link legal information from various levels of authority and different countries and languages. Moreover, it will enable companies active in the field of legal knowledge systems to design methods and tools that support a much larger market and it will protect customers of such companies from vendor lock-in. Such an interchange standard should obviously be jurisdiction and language independent. Furthermore, it should refrain from describing elements that are not specific for legal documents and it should refrain from describing elements that require interpretation of the content of these documents. Finally, the standard should allow for easy (external) linking of separate knowledge models of the content to the original sources of law. We claim that MetaLex meets these requirements best, and has been specifically designed to meet these requirements.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. An Example
  • 3. Design Decisions
  • 3.1. The Customer is King
  • 3.2. Isomorphism
  • 4. Conclusions and Discussion
  • 5. References

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