
Migration and mobility of third-country researchers and students in the European Union and Switzerland

  • Autor/Autorin: Agne Vaitkeviciute
  • Beitragsarten: Beiträge
  • Rechtsgebiete: Europarecht und Internationales Recht, Bilaterale Abkommen CH-EU
  • Zitiervorschlag: Agne Vaitkeviciute, Migration and mobility of third-country researchers and students in the European Union and Switzerland, in: Jusletter 13. Februar 2017
Der Beitrag analysiert die Bestimmungen der Richtlinie über die Bedingungen für die Einreise und den Aufenthalt von Drittstaatsangehörigen zu Forschungs- und Studienzwecken in der EU. Im Weiteren beleuchtet er die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen der Schweiz, welche den rechtlichen Status von Forschern und Studenten aus den Drittländern festlegen. Um die Attraktivität der EU und der Schweiz für Wissen und Innovation zu fördern, sollte der rechtliche Status von Drittstaatsangehörigen weiter verbessert werden. Ebenfalls sollte die Kooperation zwischen der EU und der Schweiz in diesem Bereich verbessert werden.

Table of contents

  • 1. Legal situation in the European Union and Switzerland
  • 2. Recast Directive – new rules for a facilitated admission of third-country researchers and students to universities of the EU
  • 2.1. Conditions for admission for research or study purposes
  • 2.2. Extra economic rights for students and facilitated employment during their studies
  • 2.3. Integration of students and researchers into the labour market of the EU
  • 2.4. Increased possibilities for intra-EU mobility
  • 2.5. More rights for family members of researchers
  • 2.6. Effective judicial protection and other procedural guarantees
  • 3. The Recast Directive – a right way forward to attract brains and innovation to Europe?
  • 4. Migration of third-country nationals for research and study purposes to Switzerland – main legal issues
  • 4.1. Reasons for amending the Foreign Nationals Act and the Regulation on Admission, Residence and Employment
  • 4.2. Main legal improvements of the Foreign Nationals Act and of the Regulation on Admission, Residence and Employment
  • 4.2.1. Facilitated admission conditions for studies
  • 4.2.2. Possibility to be integrated into the Swiss labour market
  • 4.2.3. Facilitated requirements for getting long-term residence status in Switzerland
  • 4.3. Remaining legal shortcomings
  • 5. EU-Swiss mobility of third country researchers and students – a possibility for the future?
  • 6. Conclusions

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