
EU calls for further reforms in the Western Balkans: interview with Maria Asenius - Völker- und Europarecht AKTUELL

  • Autor/Autorin: Hauke Pahre
  • Beitragsarten: Interview
  • Rechtsgebiete: Europarecht, Völkerrecht
  • Zitiervorschlag: Hauke Pahre, EU calls for further reforms in the Western Balkans: interview with Maria Asenius - Völker- und Europarecht AKTUELL, in: Jusletter 15. Mai 2006
In order to eliminate any possibility of a military conflict in the Western Balkans, the European Union pursues a rapprochement policy with Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Albania. With the Stabilisation and Association Agreement the Commission attempts to move those countries that advance with their reform process closer to the EU. In spite of obstacles such as the disputed status of Kosovo or the lack of cooperation with the UN Tribunal, Maria Asenius, advisor to Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn, emphasizes in an interview with Jusletter in Brussels the importance of the perspective of EU membership for the Western Balkans.

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