
Thoughts on a Zurich International Commercial Court

Will a Zurich International Commercial Court cannibalize Zurich as a seat for international commercial arbitrations?

  • Auteur-e: Philipp Haberbeck
  • Catégories d'articles: Contributions
  • Domaines juridiques: Arbitrage, Organisation judiciaire. Procédure, Droit de commerce international
  • DOI: 10.38023/370f1239-e727-4e91-a0f5-bd81f96b7564
  • Proposition de citation: Philipp Haberbeck, Thoughts on a Zurich International Commercial Court, in : Jusletter 14 décembre 2020
Zurich is engaged in the project to create a special chamber at the Commercial Court of the Canton of Zurich for international commercial disputes to be heard and decided in the English language. Given that Switzerland, including Zurich, is historically and still today a successful seat for international commercial arbitrations, the project to create a Zurich International Commercial Court raises the question, discussed in this article, whether or not such a court would compete with Zurich as a seat for international commercial arbitrations.

Table of contents

  • 1. The topic
  • 2. Differences between international commercial arbitrations and commercial litigations before a ZICC
  • 2.1. Selection of arbitrators
  • 2.2. Confidentiality
  • 2.3. Strict procedural rules
  • 2.4. Limited taking of evidence
  • 2.5. Static ZICC
  • 2.6. Grounds for challenging ZICC judgments
  • 2.7. New York Arbitration Convention
  • 2.8. Costs
  • 2.9. Settlement culture
  • 3. Conclusion

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