
Correction and interpretation of awards in international arbitrations held in Switzerland

Note on a decision of the Swiss Federal Court (ATF 126 III 524 )

  • Auteur-e-s: Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler / Antonio Rigozzi
  • Domaines juridiques: Arbitrage
  • Proposition de citation: Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler / Antonio Rigozzi, Correction and interpretation of awards in international arbitrations held in Switzerland, in : Jusletter 19. März 2001
The Swiss Private International Law Act ("PIL Act") is one of the only international arbitration statutes in Europe which contains no provision on the correction and interpretation of arbitral awards. In a decision handed down on 2 November 2000, and published in February 2001, the Swiss Federal Court held that an arbitral tribunal sitting in an arbitration governed by Chapter 12 PIL Act has jurisdiction to correct and interpret its award. Though the Court`s reasoning and terminology may give rise to some perplexity, the result is certainly a welcome development, which adequately fills a gap in the statute.

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