Jusletter IT

Leitgedanken: Sind wir die Totengräber unserer informationellen Selbstbestimmung und staatlichen digitalen Souveränität?

  • Author: Sandra Husi-Stämpfli
  • Category of articles: Articles
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: Data Protection
  • DOI: 10.38023/d31fabb6-085c-42dd-bfe8-19726cde9820
  • Citation: Sandra Husi-Stämpfli, Leitgedanken: Sind wir die Totengräber unserer informationellen Selbstbestimmung und staatlichen digitalen Souveränität?, in: Jusletter IT 26 April 2022
The faster the digital transformation progresses and the more «practical» the achievements of digitalization appear to be for our everyday lives, the less attention is paid to the risks that constitute the downside of the digital transformation. The digitalization of our everyday life goes hand in hand with an intensification of «surveillance» – not state surveillance, of course, but self-imposed surveillance by supposedly attractive gadgets. A similar phenomenon can also be observed in the context of a «digitalized» public administration: There, too, the discussion on whether the public administration should venture into a (public) cloud mainly refers to the advantages of such a solution.
The author illuminates this phenomenon in her guiding thoughts, encourages a critical (re)examination of the topic and appeals for a more conscious perception of our informational self-determination.

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